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Hurry up to save VHS Tapes and how to watch them?
If you are going to purchase or rent online, check these before buying
Pureed Vegetable Soups
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Hurry up to save VHS Tapes and how to watch them?

Hurry up to save VHS Tapes and how to watch them?

  1. Get a TV with a built-in VHS player. 2. Buy a videocassette recorder (VCR) or VCR/DVD...
Pureed Vegetable Soups

Pureed Vegetable Soups

Chop vegetables into the same size. Heat up a soup pot and add oil. Start with onions and some...
If you are going to purchase or rent online, check these before buying

If you are going to purchase or rent online, check these before buying

Check for free if  you can buy safely Online Shopping Checker You can search products with...
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This data protection is based on both Finnish and European laws, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).

What personal information is collected and why ?

All required data is mandatory to ensure site's functionality and its services. Otherwise Apuhakucom tells about voluntariness when there is no need to admit (personal) data. Voluntary disclosure does not affect the availability or functions of the services. Data is always made as anonymous as it can be and it is stored as little as possible. Legislations and functionalities determine what is collected: All gathered information is reported also to users.

Users Rights 

Personal information, automatic user data, cookies or email addresses are not shared, exchanged or sold to Third Parties like to direct marketing. When the collection times are over, all the data is eliminated definitively.

New laws and site development update or amend Privacy Policy. Changes will appear as a new date after title Privacy Policy in brackets. If required, users will be asked for a new approval.

Users are in charge of leaving their own personal information. You can manage your personal information in profile settings. If you just want to see the site without other functionalities, you can stay as an unregistered user or remove the profile and then continue as unregistered.

If you are an unsubscribed user, Apuhakucom does not store any personal information. Users must provide the minimum required information for registrations in order to obtain additional features and in possible legal cases to facilitate the work of the authorities. Part of the users personal information can remain entirely voluntary. Required fields are marked separately.

On Apuhakucom you can delete your profile, export CSV profile or export XLS profile.

In the same way you can do on sites of Third Parties like Facebook. You can request a summary or deletion of personal information, which does not however apply to information related to maintenance, legislation or information security.

To make sure that the site is working properly cookies are used. Cookies are always deleted or user can self remove them from the browser. See: Cookies.

You may cancel your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time, however, while remembering that changes can impact on your site's performance. See: Third Parties.

You will be able to review your personal information and request a repair or replenishment. You also have the right to request restrictions which however do not apply to the storage of data to Apuhakucom. This compulsory storing will only be done to Apuhaku to make sure that site is working properly. In addition the user may require removal of some personal data or object the processing of them.

Administration deals with requests or explain why data can not be deleted. Apuhakucom tries to handle the messages as quickly as possible. Finnish users can get more information from Finnish Data Protection Supervisor.

Currently Apuhakucom does not automatically process (personal data), which is a prerequisite for collecting or transferring data elsewhere.

Apuhakucom and Third Parties will have to grant personal data, system logs or IP addresses to authorities if needed.

Cookies on users devices and User data

The following items use cookies and usage data: Analytics, Comments, ads, RSS feeds, and social media communities and platforms (e.g. Pinterest).

Like everywhere on the site in videos (Youtube, Vimeo and JW Player) Apuhakucom do not share, exchange or sell personal information, user data, cookies or email addresses to Third Parties. See: Do Not Track Requests / Third Parties.

  1. Cookies are needed and they are safe

Cookies make the use of Apuhaku easier. They are text files which are saved to user’s browser.

Session cookies expire when user ends the use of the page.

Persistent cookies will remain in your browser for some time or until you self delete them from your browser.

Cookies can not check user’s files or personal data like credit card information.

Cookies can not either contain viruses. They do not fill the memory because their size is so small.

  1. Legislation in the European Union and Finland

In Finland the Information Society Code (917/2014) regulates the use of cookies and personal data protection.

  1. Cookies can be restricted, but this is not recommended

You can clear your web browser's cookies. After removal new cookies are stored. So user have to clear browser again. It can be done with a free utility program Ccleaner which is useful for other purposes too.

It is possible to remove all cookies from browser’s privacy settings, but it is very likely that then appear problems.

Apuhakucom, like almost all websites, uses Google Analytics. It stores all information anonymously. Google Analytics can be deleted from browser add-ons.

Adobe Flash Player uses cookies in Flash files. (See Adobe Flash Players Security Settings). The deletion of Flash cookies means that these videos cannot be viewed any more.

Apuhakucom is not responsible for the cookies on external websites. Users can get these for instance the embeddings of Youtube videos, Facebook and Twitter. If you would like more information about their Cookie policies, visit their sites.

Many web browsers allow the blocking of Third Party cookies. See: Browser settings. If they are disabled on your browser, some features on Apuhaku may not work quite as you'd expect.

On this website you can follow which advertisers follow you and create targeted ads. You can configure advertisers case-by-case:

  1. More information about cookies:

Unregistered and registered users

Apuhakucom can be used without leaving personal information to the users register. If you want additional features such as sharing, publishing, commenting, discussing, or collecting favorites you need to be signed up and logged in to site. You can edit your own user profile and share your email in your contact details. Apuhakucom does not collect information about its registered users. Maintenance approves user materials before they can be seen on the site.

When registering and signing in you need a name, username, email address, password, acceptance of service terms and adding Captcha verification. Gravatar images require email and the same principles are valid than in Third Parties: Personal data, user data, cookies or email addresses will only be remaining on Apuhaku.

Newsletter subscription happens with an email and a Third Party component.

Privacy Policies in different parts of the Apuhakucom

Users are always eventually responsible for all their publications. Although site approves new publications before they appear on the site, users can edit their own materials without a review of administration. Preapproval only reduces the number of similar posts and it is ready for possible new data protection requirements.

In Digishares (=Lists / Tests and Quizzes) users can handle their information on, which includes Facebook Comments plugin. Facebook regulates this extension.

Links allow access to other pages whose content Apuhakucom is not responsible for. Share links only for recommendations or educational purposes.

In Easydiscuss Forum and Smart Shoutbox Chat maintenance can set restrictions on users. IP addresses are not stored, but in cases of abuse, authorities can clarify them as well as elsewhere on the internet.

Clustrmaps, which displays visitors location, tells publicly an used browser and operating system. Visitors map helps users to localize where users are especially in Chat.

Comments are created with the help of Facebook and Disqus IDs. Sharing is made through the Addthis addon. In these cases users non-public data will only be known of these applications. Users will find all their (personal) information on Facebook and where they can also remove them.

When user has given an email, it may be used when sending notifications from material which user has commented. Only after users notifications Apuhakucom can only remove Disqus comments, but not change them. Users are responsible for the content of their comments. The user data will be deleted after it has been outdated. See: Cookies and Third Parties.

If necessary, ask for help with contact information form in the top left-hand corner of the site. Apuhaku also add and update answers in FAQs.

Third Parties like Facebook and Youtube

Users have confirmed on Third party sites that they have received Third party sites approval to submit data to Apuhakucom. Users are entirely responsible for personal data which Third Parties have obtained, published or shared on Apuhaku. This procedure reigns all over the internet.

Users can manage their privacy settings on other sites and changes appear also on Apuhakucom.

Social media sites, original platforms for embedded content and Third Parties extensions for comments may collect data, even if they are not used.

Apuhakucom does not support Do Not Track Requests (= '' Do not Track ''). You can find more information about Do Not Track Requests of Third Parties on their sites under the title Privacy Policy which also clarifies what data they collect.

If you want to avoid transmission of information to Third Parties, adjust privacy settings on their sites or do not use Third Party services at all.

Embedded materials are considered to belong to (original) Third Party websites. They may collect cookies and user data for advertising purposes but data do not contain personal information.  Temporary cookies and user data are deleted.

RSS feeds announce about new releases

For example, Feeder ( has browser extensions and mobile apps and the basic version is free.

Click the small orange square in the top left-hand corner of Apuhakucom. There you can find address of RSS feeds. Copy and paste this address. Sign in to your RSS reader or start an application. Check Privacy Policy of software or application. Some (free) services can place ads in the content and collect statistics.


Addthis, Disqus, Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics and Easydiscuss specifications for site and users interaction are only available to the site administration. Cookies and user data will be removed as soon as they are no longer needed.

IP addresses of Google Analytics remain anonymous. No personal data can be accessed by Google Analytics and it is impossible to track users movements on websites. Google Analytics shows only to the administration where users are geographically located.

See: Clustermaps, which uses Google Maps.

Advertising does not collect personal data

Currently the site uses only Google AdSense, but possibly later other programs as well. Ads do not collect personal information - Only user data and cookies. So it is impossible to distribute data to others.

Targeted advertising uses company-specific cookies on the advertiser's page. Apuhaku selects the appropriate advertisers. The security of cookies is confirmed in advance.

At this stage Apuhakucom do not use sponsored native advertising where publication looks journalistic, but it is really paid advertising which includes also facts.

Users can make publications based on research and add recommendation to it. Possible native ads and testimonials are marked with word NOTICE. Users can not publish only ads without some kind of information. 

As everywhere else, personal information like usernames, comments and email addresses associated with personal data may not be collected for commercial purposes. Your browser has cookies because then site knows if publication is already seen or not. This will prevent the user from seeing the same material again. From your browser you can delete all cookies associated with targeted advertising and sponsored content. See: Cookies. 


The site will not respond when someone gets unauthorized access to a user account / user’s devices or meets technical problems like hacking. Users must inform as soon as possible administration of Apuhaku. Maybe user needs to change password or delete an account to minimize damages. Administration has right to remove the user account immediately without notice.

To ensure security, like in traffic monitoring and spam prevention, site uses Akeeba. If this component needs personal data to prevent damages, all information stays always on the administration of Apuhakucom.

Optimizing and the sharing of communication

The contents of Apuhakucom are distributed and optimized through OVH services around the world. Cookies and anonymous personal data used between the site and the user's browser improve the use of Apuhakucom. These will never be granted to others and when collection times are expired, the data will be permanently deleted. Apuhakucom does not use cloud services, which also improves security.

Retention time

Information is stored only as long as the functionality of site, laws and authorizations of users are in force.

Contact Information/ Data Manager

You can contact administration in the top left-hand corner by clicking the sign of letter.

The contact form requires a name and an email address. When the user completes the contact form, user authorizes Apuhakucom to collect personal information: The (first) name and an email address.

You can also call or use an email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call. Because Apuhakucom is not an enterprise, other contact informations can be received privately.



We use cookies

We use cookies on our website. Some of them are essential for the operation of the site, while others help us to improve this site and the user experience (tracking cookies). You can decide for yourself whether you want to allow cookies or not. Please note that if you reject them, you may not be able to use all the functionalities of the site.